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Equipe 3

Research > Equipes de recherches
Chef d'équipe: Dr. Karim ALLEK

Intitulé de l'équipe de recherche:
Méthodes géophysiques non-sismiques pour l'exploration des hydrocarbures

Membres de l'équipe:
  2. BEDDA Hamza
  3. ZEGHOUANE Hocine
  4. EL BEGUE Aref Abderrahmane
  5. GROUNE Daoud (Soutenu)

Publications internationales

Allek K, Hamoudi M, Bouguern A., Boubaya D. &Zeghouane H. (2011).Cartographie du potentiel minéral par l’utilisation des SIG : Proposition d’une approche basée sur la logique floue pour l’exploration du diamant. Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research. V.2, Issue 2, p. 130-137.

Boubaya D., Rouabhia A., Fehdi C.,Allek K. &Hamoudi M. (2011).On the origin of the aeromagnetic anomaly of El Kala region, northeast of Algeria.Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research. V.2, Issue 2, ISSN: 2107-6502

Boubaya D., Allek K. and Hamoudi M. (2013). Discussion and comments on “Filtering of the gravimetric anomalies to the study of the geological structures of OuedZarga (Septentrional Tunisia): structural implications.Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6:3161–3162, Springer,

Boubekri H., Hamoudi M., Bendaoud A., Priezzev I. & Allek K. (2015). 3D structural cartography based on magnetic and gravity datainversion e Case of South-West Algeria. Journal of AfricanEarth Sciences. 112 p. 471-484, ELSEVIER Ltd.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.02.001

Allek K., Boubaya D., Bouguern A. and Hamoudi M. (2016). Spacial Association Analysis between Sedimentary Magnetic Anomalies and Hydrocarbon Fields using Weights-of-Evidence: An Example from Triasic Province of Algeria. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 135, p. 100-110, ELSEVIER Ltd.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.09.026

Zeghouane H., Allek K. and Kesraoui M. (2016).GIS-based weights of evidence modeling applied to mineral prospectivity mapping of Sn-Wand rare metals in Laouni area, Central Hoggar, Algeria.Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, 9:373, DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.02.001

Daoud Groune a, Karim Allek, Abderrahmane Bouguern. Statistical approach for microleveling of aerogeophysical data. Journal of Applied Geophysics 159 (2018) 418–428. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.09.023

Bouguern A., Allek K., Khalifa M. and Boubaya D.  3D imaging of quarry materials using electrical soundings. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for EnvironmentalIntegration (2018) 3:9, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41207-017-0047-4

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