Journal of applied geophysics - WEBSITE X5 UNREGISTERED VERSION - LabophyT

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Journal of applied geophysics

Research > Publications > International Publications > By Publisher > By Journal

1. Ferahtia J., Djarfour N., Baddari K. and Khaldoun A. A fuzzy logic-based filter for the removal spike noise from 2D electrical resistivity data. Journal of applied geophysics (Published by Elsevier): 87, pp. 19-27, 2012.

2. Allek K., Boubaya D., Bouguern A. and Hamoudi M. (2016). Spacial Association Analysis between Sedimentary Magnetic Anomalies and Hydrocarbon Fields using Weights-of-Evidence: An Example from Triasic Province of Algeria. Journal of Applied Geophysics,    135, p. 100-110, ELSEVIER Ltd.

3. Daoud Groune a, Karim Allek, Abderrahmane Bouguern. Statistical approach for microleveling of aerogeophysical data. Journal of Applied Geophysics 159 (2018) 418–428. Elsevier.

4. Senouci M. & Allek K. (2020). Application of Bayesian classifier to magnetic and gamma ray spectrometry data for targeting hydrocarbon microseepages. Journal of Applied Geophysics 181, 104145, ELSEVIER Ltd.

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