1. Ouadfeul, S., Aliouane, L., 2013, Structural edge delimitation from gravity anomaly data using the directional continuous wavelet transform with an example from Basin and the Range province in the United States. The Leading Edge, December, pp1462-1467.
2. Ouadfeul, S., Aliouane, L., 2015, Fractal Behavior of the Total Organic Carbon in Shale Gas Reservoirs with an Example from the Barnett Shale (USA), The Leading Edge The Leading Edge Dec 2015, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 1494-1497.
3. Sid-Ali Ouadfeul & Leila Aliouane, Total organic carbon estimation in shale-gas reservoirs using seismic genetic inversion with an example from the Barnett Shale. THE LEADING EDGE 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/tle35090936.1.
4. Ouadfeul, S., Aliouane, L., 2016, Total organic carbon estimation in shale-gas reservoirs using seismic genetic inversion with an example from the Barnett Shale, The Leading Edge , Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 790-794.